My Rituals: A Character Sketch

Her alarm went off several times, the snooze hit repeatedly. She lay there in the still morning, thanking God for three beautiful things in her life. Her eyes full of sleep, she pushed herself out of bed, forcing her mind into the day. After washing her face and grabbing her glasses, she headed for the computer. The blank page waiting for her to splash her latest thoughts, stories, and creations onto it. She poured herself a mug of the coffee that had already been brewed by her husband. Turning on an Edison bulb accent light, she got to work in the dimly lit room, sitting with one foot on the base of the chair, hugging her knee. It was early mornings like this she couldn’t tell whether it was the caffeine or the writing that was awakening her to the day. She felt alive, rejuvenated, and ready to start her job after releasing her personal thoughts into the world. 

Once the work day filled with attention to detail was finished, she grabbed her water bottle and headed for her workout room. Immersing herself into each continuous movement with the result of being completely drenched in sweat was one of her favorite ways to find clarity, peace, and healing. She loved the sweat, a clear sign of an effort well-pursued. Feeling centered, she then sat outside taking in nature with her pup beside her who enjoyed biting grass and racing around in a field of wildflowers. The day would end beside her husband, laughing in unison at their favorite shows while divulging in natural ice cream made from bananas.